The Miller Prediction


William Miller, a Baptist preacher and founder of the Adventist movement, predicted that the world would end in 1844.

His Biblical and other research proved that Christ would return to the earth on April 18, of that year. ​When that apparently did not happen, T​he Great Disappointment became a major event in the history of the Millerite movement.

“THE MILLER PREDICTION” presents a mystery. The mystery is a real one, and of vital importance to every human being. It presents enough evidence to pull the viewer into this investigation, and then allows them to answer the question for themselves.



The Miller Prediction

Genre: Historical/Action

Tagline: William Miller was right: the world ended in 1844

Logline: An American veteran travels to the Middle East searching for peace after suffering the horrors of the Civil War and the ridicule of his peers over his “crazy Uncle William’s prediction” that the world would end in 1844.  What he finds helps him solve a mystery that plagued his family and solves a mystery that had baffled scholars for centuries.

Synopsis: Civil War Veteran MARK MILLER, 32, is torn with what he saw in the War and with personal issues related to his Great Uncle William Miller’s well publicized belief that the world should have ended in 1844.  After the War he travels to the Middle East with his horse, BUDDY, working for foreign companies while seeking understanding and inner peace.

The Miller Prediction is a work of fiction.  However, Rev. William Miller was real and he did predict the return of Christ in 1844.  At that time, in Persia, followers of Baha’u’llah were persecuted because of their belief that the spirit of Christ had indeed returned to the world.  How the story of Baha’u’llah fits the Miller Prediction is unexplainable through logic alone and form the basis of an inspiring – and chilling – story of truly Biblical proportions.

Producer/Executive Producer

Cyrus Parvini is a Persian American, a business graduate, and an entrepreneur. He established his company, Radiant Century Productions, in Los Angeles, California in 1985. His first documentary was released and broadcast in 1986. His 30 minute documentary, The Promise of World Peace- A Baha’i Perspective, was released in 2006, screened at the International Film Festival in Zurich, Switzerland and was subsequently distributed in many countries in various languages. His recently produced feature film THE MILLER PREDICTION has received awards and nominations from five international film festivals in Los Angeles, Madrid, Berlin, Milan, and London. It is now available for distribution worldwide.


Interview with Producer, Cyrus Parvini

All Award recipients at Madrid International Film Festival , Madrid, Spain 2016


Los Angeles Reel Film Festival

May 18, 2016

Winner of 3 AWARDS

Best Director, Best Picture, Best Lead Actor

Madrid International Film Festival

July 9, 2016 – Madrid, Spain

Winner of ​2 AWARDS

​Best Lead Actor, Best Supporting Actress

Winner of 4 ​​NOMINATIONS

Best Director, Best Actress, Best Cinematography & Best Make Up Artist

Cyrus Parvini – Producer, receiving the Award
for Jesse Woodrow – Best Lead Actor
Sarah Himadeh – Best Supporting Actress for
Javier Ronceros – Director & Cyrus Parvini – Producer receiving the Award from Madrid International Film Festival
Sarah Himadeh – Best Supporting Actress, Javier Ronceros- Best Director, Rhett Cutrell – Best Cinematographer


Jesse Woodrow in the role of “Mark Miller”.

Jesse Woodrow has had a very successful career in Hollywood. He has modeled and been a spokesman for the biggest and brightest companies from around the world such as “Skyy Vodka”, “Beefeater”, “L’Oreal”, “Coors Light”, “Guess”, “Apple Computers” and “Yves Saint Laurent”. He is known for Starring roles in “Something’s Wrong in Kansas”, “Tableau Vivant”, and “Blackbird”. He is also known for his roles in “Best Laid Plans”, “Charmed”, and “The Unborn”.

Tala Delvarani in the role of “Layla”. Tala is a Canadian born, Iranian-American actress who is thrilled to be playing her first lead role as Layla in The Miller Prediction. For the past two years she has booked several films & commercials.

Yaron Urbas in the role of “Ismail”. Yaron has played everything from working class hero, relentless bad guy, soldier, mobster, to cultured entrepreneur in various principal roles for feature films.

Sarah Himadeh in the role of “Parisa”. Sarah started her acting career in Canada. She moved to New York to pursue her dream, completing a 2-year Acting for Film and Theater Conservatory Program in the city and now resides in Los Angeles.

Lance Blea in the role of “Amir”. Lance is a husband and father of six children. Lance loves acting and would rather spend 20 hours on set than eight hours at any other job. He loves playing sports, outdoor activities, eating great food, and spending time with family.

Kerry Kehoe in the role of “Dr. Mahmood”. Kerry has been primarily a stage actor. His earliest training was as a Shakespearean actor in his native Ireland and he has played a multitude of Shakespearean characters over the years. In the the past ten years he has returned to stage acting and has appeared in indie films.

Diana Castrillon in the role of “Roya”. Diana is a versatile, dynamic, and keen actor who has portrayed numerous roles, both in theater and on screen. She is currently involved with several indie films.

Emily Snell in the role of “Neda”. Emily has interpreted roles for both the stage and the screen. Stage: “Encore!”, “The Chronicles of Narnia: The Silver Chair”, and “Amleto”. She has had roles in local indie films and the series “Longmire.”

Ryan Karloff in the role of “Muhammed”. Ryan’s recent film credits include “Grizzly Flats”, “Moviestar”, and “Through the Night”. Stage credits include “The Seagull”, “Twelfth Night”, and “The Diary of Anne Frank”.

Earl Palmer in the role of “Sergeant”. Earl has been acting for 7 years now and has recently moved to Los Angeles. Irish born, in the UK he was in award winning national commercials, music videos, short films and award winning feature films.

Francisco Medina in the role of “Mohsin”. Francisco Medina is an actor living in Burbank, Ca. Discovering the traces of humanity as villain has been Francisco’s forte on film, his most recent casting as Mohsin in ‘The Miller Prediction’ is no detour.

Connor Linnerooth “Lenz” Connor hails from Fargo, North Dakota. He can be seen in The Monuments Men, the short film Zone 2 and taking classes at “The Groundlings”. He recently graduated from the AMDA College and Conservatory of the Performing Arts and currently resides in the Los Angeles area.

Mike Gaba in the role of “Farid”. Mike is part of a four generation New Mexican ranching family and have been an ardent traveler his entire life. He has been to over 100 countries, six continents and all fifty states.

Vanessa Martinez in the role of “Shirin”. Vanessa got her start in acting at the age of 10 years old in community theater. At 14 years old Vanessa began auditioning for film and landed her first lead role in a short film shortly after.

Christopher Mario Romero in the role of “Husayn”. Christopher spent a few years in the law enforcement field before taking an acting class that changed his world. He has found his passion in acting! He is still involved in helping the community by giving his time to several local charities.

Everette Scott Ortiz “Ali” Everette made his screen acting debut at the age of 16 in the feature-film The Price of the American Dream II. Followed by roles in “Descansos”, “Coyote County Loser”, “I Am Alive: Surviving the Andes Plane Crash” amd “Far From Ascencion”.

Rocky Ramirez “Haj Hassan” Rocky has done stunt work for “Force of Execution” played gangster. Movie roles: FELON, FRANK, MILLION WAYS TO DIE, TV pilot STANISTAN, KING OF CAGE box set, SPIKE network BELLATOR.

Jason Jaramillo in the role of “Hakim”. Jason has been acting since he was a teenager. He has acted on stage and in YouTube videos. This is his first appearance in film. He is excited to be a part of the magic and looks forward to more artistic opportunities.

Maria Rudolfo in the role of “Golnoosh”. Maria Rudolfo makes her debut as Golnoosh. She is an avid reader who enjoys music and gardening. She enjoys spending time outdoors with her husband and daughters.

Arturo Maese Bernal in the role of “Teric”. Arturo is currently a student at CNM, majoring in Performing Arts. His dream has always been to become an actor since, and now that dream became a passion, and that passion has become a goal.


Javier Ronceros – Director

Javier began his directing career in 2000 with the short film “Soledad.” He went on to direct and produce several short films, TV pilots, commercial specs, and PSA’s in the USA, UK and Spain. In 2011 he was involved with the 52Films/52 Weeks project in which he, (along with two associates), wrote, directed and produced 52 three-minute films – one a week, for an entire year.

James B. Brandt – Writer/Co-Producer

He got his Master of Business Administration in 2009. Worked in Entertainment ( radio, television, film, theater and music). His first band performance was in 1964. His first independently produced program was Dr. Who in America, which was broadcast on PBS and then by BBC.

Rhett Cutrell

Director of Photography

Gabrielle Evans Fields

Casting Director

Christy Teichmann

Script Supervisor

Samantha Ronceros

Production Manager

Brendan Flannery

1st Assistant Director
2nd Unit Director

Tabitha Orr

Set & Costume Designer

Lesley Ross

2nd Assistant Director

Raleigh Wilson

Chief Wrangler

Alex Dejdarova

Make Up Artist

Amanda Lee Jacoby

Casting Assistant

Dan Fisk


Pamela Velazquez

Assistant to the Director

press kit

Bio & Statements

Javier Ronceros- Director

I feel proud and honored to have been given the opportunity to direct this important film. When I first received the call to direct this film, I felt a bit apprehensive, not knowing the subject matter, but it quickly turned to excitement and joy. One rarely gets a chance to work on a project with such beautiful message and amazing and loving professionals.

Director’s Bio – Javier Ronceros was born in Lima, Peru and came to the US at an early age. He started his acting career in New York in 1989 and later came to California to act in television and film. His directorial debut came in 1999. In 2011, he was a co-founder of 52 Films/52 Weeks: A Year of Filmmaking. He is currently writing and directing a limited dramatic series with interest from several television networks.

Cyrus Parvini – Producer/Executive Producer

I could not ignore one of the biggest phenomena in the history of mankind. William Miller a Baptist preacher in the United States proclaimed that Jesus Christ would return to the earth in 1844. Many followers had given away all of their possessions and were left bereft when they thought that the prophecy was false. They were wrong and William Miller was right, the spirit of Christ had indeed returned to earth. Explanation of Bible prophecies in the book of “Thief in the Night” by William Sears inspired me to produce this feature film and present it to the world.

THE MILLER PREDICTION presents a mystery of vital importance to every human being. It presents compelling evidence to pull the viewer into this life changing mystery, and then allows them to answer the question for themselves.

Producer’s Bio – Cyrus Parvini a Persian American, a business graduate, and an entrepreneur. He established his production company Radiant Century Productions in Los Angeles, California in 1985. His first documentary was released and broadcast in 1986. His 30 minute documentary production “The Promise of World Peace- A Baha’i Perspective” was released in 2006, screened at the International Film Festival in Zurich, Switzerland and reached many countries in various languages. His recently produced feature film THE MILLER PREDICTION is presently being distributed around the world.

James B. Brandt – Writer/Co-Producer
He got his Master of Business Administration in 2009. Worked in Entertainment ( radio, television, film, theater and music). His first independently produced program was Dr. Who in America, which was broadcast on PBS and then by BBC.

Jack Lenz – Acclaimed Composer, Producer and Musical Director
Jack has composed numerous music for motion pictures, television, documentaries, Canadian News Programs and award shows. Composed music for Mel Gibson’s feature film “Passion of the Christ” and has written and produced songs for artists like Andrea Bocelli.

The Miller Prediction Synopsis

Genre: Historical/Action

Tagline: William Miller was right: the world ended in 1844.

Logline: An American veteran travels to the Middle East searching for peace after suffering the horrors of the Civil War and the ridicule of his peers over his “crazy Uncle William’s prediction” that the world would end in 1844. What he finds helps him solve a mystery that plagued his family and solves a mystery that had baffled scholars for centuries.

Synopsis: Civil War Veteran MARK MILLER, 32, is torn with what he saw in the War and with personal issues related to his Great Uncle William Miller’s well-publicized belief that the world should have ended in 1844. After the War he travels to the Middle East with his horse BUDDY, working for foreign companies while seeking understanding and inner peace.

But peace is not coming. Following the sound of gunfire back to his Surveyor’s base camp, he sees two team members dead along with several Persian religious refugees. Other members of the group are held captive and forced to watch as the bandits struggle with LAYLA, 20, who is about to receive “special” treatment. Acting from a strong moral sense of duty, Miller, and a few minutes later his companions DIETER, and LENZ, successfully chase the bandits off, although Dieter and Lenz are themselves killed.

Miller agrees to travel with Layla and the remaining pilgrims. The bandit leader, ISMAIL, is enraged to learn his men failed to capture the pilgrim’s women and supplies… and that his son was killed. He vows revenge.

On the way across the mountains to Haifa, Miller and the Pilgrims discuss the events that lead to them meeting at the bloody campsite. Miller discusses his great uncle Rev. William Miller and the prediction he made about the second coming of Christ.

He is surprised to discover that Layla and her group are on the way to Haifa to see their teacher who they believe fulfills Rev Miller’s prediction – Christ did return, just not in the way people expected. All the prophecies from the Bible that formed the basis for William Miller’s Prediction of a major religious event in 1844 were being paralleled in Persia and the Ottoman Empire – half way around the world where Rev Miller could not have known of them or the religious leaders in Persia known of Rev Miller’s Prediction.

The Miller Prediction is a work of fiction. However, Rev. William Miller was real and he did predict the return of Christ in 1844. At that time, in Persia, followers of Baha’u’llah were being persecuted because of their belief that the spirit of Christ had indeed returned to the world. How the story of Baha’u’llah fits the Miller Prediction is unexplainable through logic alone and form the basis of an inspiring – and chilling – story of truly Biblical proportions.

Film Setting: Palestine 1870







The Baha’i World
The Baha’i Faith has become the second most widespread religion in the world.

International Baha’i Communities
Websites of 180 Baha’i communities around the world.

A Brief History of the Baha’i Faith

By now, an approximate total of 20,000 Babis and Baha’is have been martyred for their beliefs.

Film Script in English (Closed Caption)

Translation to other languages permitted.

Views: 379