List of Questions

Often Asked of Bahá’ís

  • Nature Is Governed by a Universal Law
  • Proofs and Arguments for the Existence of God
  • The Need for an Educator
  • Abraham
  • Moses
  • Christ
  • Muḥammad
  • The Báb
  • Bahá’u’lláh
  • Rational Proofs and Traditional Arguments from the Sacred Scriptures
  • Commentary on the Eleventh Chapter of the Revelation of John
  • Commentary on the Eleventh Chapter of Isaiah
  • Commentary on the Twelfth Chapter of the Revelation of John
  • Material and Spiritual Cycles
  • True Felicity
  • Intelligible Realities and Their Expression through Sensible Forms
  • The Birth of Christ
  • The Greatness of Christ
  • True Baptism
  • Baptism and the Changing Law of God
  • The Bread and the Wine
  • The Miracles of Christ
  • The Resurrection of Christ
  • The Descent of the Holy Spirit upon the Apostles
  • The Holy Spirit
  • The Second Coming of Christ and the Day of Judgement
  • The Trinity
  • The Pre-existence of Christ
  • Sin and Atonement
  • Adam and Eve
  • Blasphemy against the Holy Spirit
  • “Many Are Called, but Few Are Chosen”
  • The Return of the Prophets
  • Peter and the Papacy
  • Free Will and Predestination
  • The Five Kinds of Spirit
  • The Connection between God and His Manifestations
  • The Three Stations of the Divine Manifestations
  • The Human and the Divine Stations of the Manifestations
  • The Knowledge of the Divine Manifestations
  • Universal Cycles
  • The Power and Perfections of the Divine Manifestations
  • The Two Kinds of Prophets
  • The Rebukes Addressed by God to the Prophets
  • The Most Great Infallibility

  • Evolution and the True Nature of Man
  • The Origin of the Universe and the Evolution of Man
  • The Difference between Man and Animal
  • Evolution and the Existence of Man
  • Spiritual Proofs of the Originality of Man
  • The Appearance of the Spirit and the Mind in Man
  • The Appearance of the Spirit in the Body
  • The Connection between God and His Creation
  • The Procession of the Human Spirit from God
  • Spirit, Soul, and Mind
  • The Outward and the Inward Powers of Man
  • The Differences in Human Character
  • The Extent and Limitation of Human Comprehension
  • Man’s Comprehension of God
  • The Immortality of the Spirit (1)
  • The Immortality of the Spirit (2)
  • The Infinite Perfections of Existence and the Progress of the Soul in the Next World
  • The Progress of All Things within Their Own Degree
  • The Station of Man and His Progress after Death
  • Faith and Works
  • The Subsistence of the Rational Soul after the Death of the Body
  • Eternal Life and Entrance into the Kingdom of God
  • Two Kinds of Fate
  • The Influence of the Stars and the Interconnectedness of All Things
  • Free Will and Its Limits
  • Spiritual Disclosures
  • Healing without Medicine
  • Healing by Material Means
  • On Good and Evil
  • Two Kinds of Torment
  • The Justice and Mercy of God
  • The Punishment of Criminals
  • Strikes
  • The Reality of the World of Being
  • Pre-existence and Origination
  • Reincarnation
  • The Unity of Existence
  • The Four Criteria of Comprehension
  • Good Deeds and Their Spiritual Prerequisites